I’m Camille, I help you gain clarity about your challenges, get balance in your life and achieve lasting transformation.


As an Integrative Wellness coach, I blend traditional life coaching with healing techniques that target fundamental issues, such as fears and limiting beliefs, empowering you to lead a happier, more fulfilled life.

With this holistic approach, we consider the Mind, Body, and Spirit as interconnected. This foundation is rooted in the belief that all aspects of our being are interconnected. Instead of addressing issues in isolation, which is a common practice in traditional life coaching, Integrative Wellness Coaching looks at the bigger picture.

We also acknowledge that to make meaningful changes and achieve our goals, it's not enough to have a plan; you need the tools to address your fears, underlying beliefs, and habits that may have held you back.

Therefore, through a one-on-one collaborative process, you'll receive support not only in planning and taking action on your goals but also guidance in addressing your core issues. This is essential to ensure that you can make lasting and authentic changes in your life.

Areas you might need help with…

A black woman with natural hair smiles with her hands clasped behind her head

Personal & Self-Development

  • Seeking more joy in your life? I'll assist you in prioritizing what's most important to you.

  • Feeling stuck and unable to reach your goals? I'll help you identify the barriers and move forward.

  • Struggling with habits that aren't beneficial to your well-being? I'll guide you in developing better self-care practices.

A family with two children gathers around the kitchen table preparing food

Family & Relationships

  • Want a healthier relationship with your partner? I'll help you learn practical ways to cultivate fulfilling relationships.

  • Have a difficult relationship with your family? I'll support you in establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries.

  • Striving to overcome lingering childhood issues? I'm here to help you gain clarity and move forward.

Transitions & Spirituality

  • Going through a divorce and wanting to rebuild your life? I’ll guide you to learn powerful self-discovery methods to aid this process.

  • Experiencing the pain of losing a loved one? I’ll support you through this difficult journey.

  • Seeking spiritual growth? I’ll share tools and techniques that can help you expand.